Fungi Kingdom .- Unicellular / Multicellular .- They can't move .- They don't produce their own food. But they produce enzymes to break down natural or organic matter and absorb its nutrients.


Monera Kingdom .- Unicellular .- They can move independently. They don't produce their own food.


Protista Kingdom .- Unicellular .- Some of them can move on their own. Amoebae move by changing their shape .- Some of them like algae produce their own food.

Animal Kingdom .- Multicellular.- They can't produce their own food .- They have to eat other living organisms.- They can move from one place to another.


Plant Kingdom .-  Multicellular .- They PRODUCE their own food (Photosynthesis) .- They can't move from one place to another but they can make some movements. 


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