Abstract Art Artist Artwork Brush Canvas
Clay Colour Collage Craft Crayon Drawing
Exhibit Frame Gallery Image Landscape Masterpiece
Model Mural Museum Oil Paint Paint Paintings
Pattern Perspective Pictures Portraits Pottery Printmaking
Sample Sculptures Seascape Setting Shape Space
Statues Texture
1.- La Gioconda: Leonardo da Vinci, 1503
2.- Guernica: Pablo Picasso, 1937
3.- The Scream: Edvard Munch, 1893
4.- The Last Supper: Leonardo da Vinci, 1495
5.- The Creation of Adam: Michaelangelo, 1511
6.- Starry Night: Vincent Van Gogh, 1898
7.- The Persistent of Memory: Salvador Dalí, 1931
8.- Girl with a Pearl Earring: Johannes Vermer, 1665
9.- The Birth of Venus: Sandro Botticelli, 1480
10.- The Son of Man: Rene Magrittes, 1964
11.- Cafe Terrace at Night: Vincent Van Gogh, 1888
12.- The Third of May: Francisco de Goya, 1814
13.- Las Meninas: Diego Velázquez, 1656
14.- The Arnolfini Marriage: Jan Van Eyck, 1434
15.- School of Athens: Raphael, 1510
The Conversation was painted in 1908 - 1912 by Henri Matisse.
Henry Matisse was from France, so he was French.
He was born the 31st December in 1869 and he died the 3rd of November in 1954.