2018 - 2019 is time for having a look back. Sometimes we need to observe our steps and balance what we did right and what we should redo again in a different way if we had the chance. All people we meet are characters of our own story! Some of them become main characters, others are supporting characters or extras, but all of them help us to explain our plot.


That's why next 30th January 2019 people who left a print during these 5 years in our family are going to be with us! Obviously we want our family to grow up and everyone is invited.


Friends of my friends are my friends too!  


2014 - 2015: Peace is our Right

2015 - 2016: Naboof Marina

2016 - 2017: Smiley Locks

2017 - 2018: Big Red Bus

2018 - 2019: Restart System


       2014 - 2015: We knew we wanted to celebrate Peace in a sensitive & sensible way. Peace is not just needed 1 day, peace is needed every single day and it emplies an effort from everyone. Step by step we'll get great goals working together!

First we explained who Sadako Sasaki was and we did in no more than one week, more than 1000 peace cranes by origami!


       2015 - 2016 : After enjoying the last January event we agreed we had to continue working in that way! We should help our neighbours, friends and obviously:




That's why we opened the party not just to our students but to everyone who could help! That would be our official beginning! That year we decided to get some money and decorate the place where most of our students at least once in their life goes: To Manacor's Hospital.


Most of them were born there or they have had to go for brothers, sisters or illnesses! We were in contact with Manacor's Hospital, two lovely members came to our classes and explained us many interesting things. 6th grade did a video explaining the event and we presented it to APABAL's Video Contest, we got 1st position in the Balearic Islands.

We decided to collect some money by doing knotwork bracelets. They were called Naboof Marina: 5th & 6th Grade decided the name and it made sense for them. We also learnt about who Candela was and the 8th floor of the San Joan de Deu Hospital in Barcelona.


      2016 - 2017, Smiley Locks of hair. The English teacher of older students talked about the story of her German teacher, who was in cancer process. Students read about Bàrbara's story, as well as what Mechones Solidarios was and what they were doing. That's why that year never 20 cm were so important till that day! School was a big hair saloon where everyone who wanted could cut his/her hair. Oncological wigs were done with the collected hair. Also money was collected to help people to be able to get one if they really needed.




       2017 - 2018, Big Red Bus is the name of the project. We wanted to collaborate with Banc de Sang i Teixits de les Illes Balears (Number of Blood donation is too low and that must change!) and also with ASPANOB. The second takes care of children & families with cancer of the Balearic Islands.


       2018 - 2019 is when we are going to invite all the people who have been with us during these 5 years but we want to sum more challenges once again. This year the money we collect will go to Children Cancer Investigation in San Joan de Deu (Barcelona) Hospital, as well as we want to increase the number of blood donation in Sa Coma. Blood is also really needed for everyone!


In addition of that, 6th grade students have been studying and investigating the fact of how our daylife can cause healthy problems. They have been sending some e-mails asking for answers, but we must confess, not many doors opened at our knocking.

L’origen de les CANDELA és una història d’amistat que va començar quan una voluntària de l’Hospital va ensenyar a la Candela, una nena ingressada amb leucèmia, a fer unes polseretes formades per nusos perquè les hores semblessin més curtes. Ella va ensenyar a fer-les a dues amigues seves, la Mariona i la Daniela, les impulsores de la iniciativa, ja que van posar-li el nom  i van començar a vendre-les durant tot un estiu per aconseguir diners per a la investigació del càncer infantil.

Ben aviat s’hi van sumar tots els nens i nenes de la 8a planta de l’Hospital (entre ells s’anomenen Chipirones), les seves famílies, els amics i totes aquelles persones que volien continuar aquesta història solidària. I amb el treball de tots ells, les CANDELA han assolit un èxit que ha traspassat l’Hospital per seguir sumant recursos per avançar en el coneixement d’aquesta malaltia.

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