Astronauts Fun Facts
GREEN / WHITE Type W & O 36000+oC
Giant very hot active stars
BLUE Type B 28600+ oC
Very hot Helium stars
WHITE Type A 10700+ oC
Large hot stars
YELLOW / WHITE Type F 7500+ oC
Stars larger & brighter than Sun
YELLOW Type G 6000+ oC
ORANGE Type K 4800+ oC
Cooler stars
ORANGE / RED Type M 3400+ oC
Old dying stars
RED Type N & S 2500+ oC
Cool Carbon stars
Cape Cañaveral is a cape in Florida. Since 1950 , Cape Cañaveral is where AMERICAN spatial activities take place. Missiles have been sent since 1950 (24th July).
This is a good place where missiles can be followed and they fall down the sea causing no disasters. One can find many shuttles. There are laboratories and control centres too.
Cape Cañaveral is controlled half of it by NASA and the other half bye USAF (military services).
In 1964, it was renamed by Cabo Kennedy, in honour of John F. Kennedy. American president who was murdered the previous year. But there were many complains and it was renamed again as CAPE CAÑAVERAL.
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Chris Hadfield