Think in Green!


Are you thinking on buying a new mobile phone? Here we are going to provide some interesting webs which are going to help to reduce the e-waste with a new R... Reconditioning! But first, we recommend you to have a look at these videos to understand how important is your help!


Why E-WASTE is not good for our environment, neither for us?


You can buy reconditioned mobile phones, in fact before doing that, you can sell them too!


In addition of that, in Spain we have an e-waste company which recycles the electronic devices in a eco-friendly and safety way!



We all together are a great team! Thanks to your effort we can adopt 3 chimps!

Què farem amb els mòbils?

Estam en contacte amb l'Institut Jane Goodall. Tenen actuacions de reforestació, sensibilització dels locals sobre la necessitat d'estimar i protegir la seva selva; així com curar als ximpanzés rescatats. Na Jane Goodall és una apassionada d'aquests simis.


A continuació trobareu 2 links per poder entendre millor el nostre projecte:


Jane Goodall Institution

Mobilitza't per la Selva


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